Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Adding Fun Entertainment to a French Inspired Baby Shower

When planning a baby shower, we always include baby shower games.  While these are fun, there are additional ways to add some entertainment to your baby shower party.  As we hosted my friend's baby shower in a French Theme, we decided it would be fun to include a picture area. 

Shannon located a wall art decor piece of the Eiffel Tower.  As simple as that, our stage was set.  We stocked the area with fun dress up materials.  We included hats (located cheaply and then adorned with feathers), a mask (again created from feathers and glitter), boas, canes, mustaches and picture frames.

One of us broke the ice on that area and soon enough it was filled with lots of participants.  Most took this opportunity to take a picture with the Guest of Honor and on it went.  It added a touch of unexpected and entertainment to our baby shower.  The photos below are just a small sampling of the cameras going off in this area.

And continuing the theme of sustainability, the wall art decor can be recycled in the nursery or anywhere else the mommy to be may enjoy it displayed.

Etre un bon coup!

Literally translated it means 'being a good hit'.  The meaning actually refers to being good in bed...so careful when choosing your french quotes!  I will take the literal meaning for this post.

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